
London’s Underworld Unearthed: what the press said…

Finally, a summary of the best press quotes from the recent exhibition! ‘A unique exhibition. Amid the historical references and works are new paintings by Jane Palm-Gold, that create a sense of the world trembling before you and capture the seedy underbelly of St. Giles past and present…’ Tiffany O’Callaghan, Culture Lab, New Scientist * * * * * * * * ‘Fascinating! A revelatory and creative look at one of London’s most intriguing areas….’ Sumit Paul-Choudhury Editor, New Scientist * * * * * * * * ‘Interesting and thought-provoking exhibition…which highlights the presence of vice in society’ Mel Jones, Culture 24 * * * * * * * * ‘A rather special exhbition… a splendid, rounded exhibition of 18th and 19th century slum life. One not to be missed by anyone interested in London’s social history.’ Matt Brown, The Londonist * * * * * * * * ‘Jane Palm-Gold’s research and art have not only re-energised study of the notorious St Giles Rookery. They have done two other things of great value. They have demonstrated the immense value of multi-disciplinary approaches to urban history. And they have enlightened us about social problems and moral panics in our own contemporary urban context.’ Neil Faulkner, Current Archaeology (from the forthcoming magazine publication)