Jane Palm-Gold talk at Regeneration City Blues, London

Thanks to everyone that came down for my exhibition talk in the final week of the London Regeneration City Blues show. It was a good evening with lots of audience participation (again!) and some interesting questions.
A very big thank you too to the radio presenter and producer, Henry Scott-Irvine, who very kindly hosted the evening and interviewed me about the show and the three years of background research I undertook to be able to curate it.
The evening also covered my diverse career to date – everything from the animated fusion and syncing of sound/visuals I was doing at Liverpool and the RCA to pop promos and then the career change I made to create public health exhibitions in HIV/AIDS in the early ’90’s for not for profit organisations.
We even somehow managed to get in the St Giles Rookery and the Museum of London exhibition from 2011! Phew!

Jane PG Talk at RCB London

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