This was back in March but I had such a fantastic time there! Met Queen Archivists Greg Brooks and Gary Taylor for the first time, despite an ongoing correspondence with both for quite a while. They did a great job doing a huge amount of work getting the exhibition together, which is a brilliant display of writings, photos and rare ephemera from the time of the first six albums. Far too much stuff to show in any detail here really… I had a reunion with the wonderful Mr. Jim Jenkins who I hadn’t seen since 1987 (!) and who I used to keep bumping into on the Queen tours in Europe. Jim is a lovely man – so nice to meet up with him again!
So, time for some photos!
Stage costume from A Night at the Opera tour 1975 – and famously in the Bo Rhap vid…
This is an image from a photo shoot which featured on the back of the first album – the image was shot in Fred’s flat in Kensington…
During the ANATO show in ’75 I was amazed to see him throw this tambourine with great force upwards (25 feet in the air) and backwards off stage… You wouldn’t have wanted to be in the way of that backstage…
I think this is my favourite shot of Fred ever. Wonderful. By Mick Rock and from the Sheer Heart Attack tour 1974.

Fred by Mick Rock from 1974
Zandra Rhodes stage costume from the March ’74 and Sheer Heart Attack tour 1974…
Me and Jim Jenkins who I hadn’t seen since 1987! Have fond memories of doing dates on European tours with Jim… And finally – a round of applause please!
Greg, Queen Achivist who worked so hard on this wonderful exhibition!
and likewise, Mr. Gary Taylor – they both did brilliant work on the exhibition!